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/ Games to Treasure / Games to Treasure - Disc 1.iso / emerald / fishing / basstr25.zip

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File Comment
This archive is from The Emerald Shareware Games Collection 

Text (14)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
BT.BAT DOS Batch File 3 23b 1988-11-07
BT.DOC Text File 959 50KB 1989-02-15
BTINSTAL.BAT DOS Batch File 6 57b 1988-10-25
CRYSTAL.MAP Text File 34 2KB 1988-10-25
HORSE.MAP Text File 34 2KB 1989-02-06
LAKERECS.TXT Text File 121 1KB 1989-02-08
LEWIS.MAP Text File 34 2KB 1988-10-21
MAP.TRN Text File 97 983b 1989-01-10
MAZE.MAP Text File 34 2KB 1989-02-06
MEAD.MAP Text File 34 2KB 1989-02-06
PETES.MAP Text File 34 2KB 1988-10-21
PETES.TRN Text File 97 375b 1988-10-21
R-E-A-D.ME Text File 23 1KB 1989-02-15
WAVES.PAL Text File 33 130b 1988-05-10

Other Files (7)
BASSTOUR.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 165KB 1989-02-18
BASSBOAT.PIC Unknown 9KB 1988-08-09
CGAMAP.PIC Unknown 14KB 1989-02-08
CRUNCH.PIC Unknown 29KB 1988-10-19
HERCMAP.PIC Unknown 14KB 1988-12-24
MAP.PIC Unknown 14KB 1988-10-24
TITLE.PIC Unknown 17KB 1988-08-01